Hire Charlie to Speak
Turn Ideas Into Action
Bring Charlie Gilkey in for high-impact keynotes, breakouts, and workshops
Charlie Gilkey helps people start finishing what matters most. He's the author of Team Habits: How Small Actions Lead to Extraordinary Results, Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done, and The Small Business Lifecycle, co-host of The Productive Flourishing Podcast, and founder of Productive Flourishing, one of the world's top websites for planning, prioritization, and productivity. His work is regularly featured in places like TIME, Inc.com, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Lifehacker, and the Huffington Post. Prior to starting Productive Flourishing, Charlie was an Army Joint Force Military Coordinator and pursuing a PhD in Philosophy.

If your audience or organization is ready to move forward what matters most, and transform how the team works to accomplish goals, Charlie Gilkey is the ideal choice to speak at your event. Listeners will walk away with insights that open up their next steps, take their projects as a team or their business or forward, all in a way that respects where they are on their journey. As a speaker he focuses on giving vision combined with tangible takeaways needed for working better, as individuals or as teams.
Signature Keynotes
Charlie prefers to tailor content of his presentations to meet the goals and needs of the organizations hosting him. He's well-positioned to speak to teams and wider audiences on how improving team habits can transform your entire organization. Clear workways, trust and belonging with the people we spend our days working with are crucial in determining our potential and impact.
Team Habits is also the title of Charlie's newest book, released August 2023 with Hachette Go, but he frequently coaches and offers expertise on planning and strategy for how to get projects finished, and bring about positive end results. This was in part the subject of his previous book Start Finishing (2019). While these are focus themes, any presentation's content will be original.
Keynotes and lectures by Charlie are marked by his approachable demeanor, engaging and natural storytelling, and his use of interactivity with the audience. He's particularly good with presenting last at events since he can tie many threads into a coherent, grounding, and actionable tapestry.
The Five Keys to Building Successful, High-Performance Teams
High-performance teams don't just create themselves - they're a product of intentionally putting together the pieces that enable teams to perform at that level. This presentation shares the five keys leaders must put in place to achieve high-performance. Hint: hiring great performers is one of the least important pieces of the puzzle.
Start Finishing: How to Go From Idea to Done
Doing your best work requires mindsets and skillsets that just aren't taught in school and are often learned too late in life. This presentation shares simple strategies and frameworks that get people out of their heads so they start finishing their best work.
How to Navigate the 5 Stages of Small Business Growth
Entrepreneurs often think about taking their business to the "next level" without a clear idea of what that means. They struggle because they're focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time. This presentation shows entrepreneurs and small business owners how small businesses grow so that they can orient and prioritize their efforts to grow.

Past Speaking Engagements
Want Charlie to speak at your event?