Start Finishing Resources

Start Finishing &nbspResources


We hope you’re enjoying reading Start Finishing and its companion, the Start Finishing Field Guide. Below are some worksheets, planners, and other resources that will help you get the most out of the book.

Looking for companion worksheets and planners? See below!

Start Finishing Chapter Takeaways

Chapter 2: Five Keys & Five Challenges

Chapter 3: Letting Go of Your Projects

Chapter 3: Wheel of Life

Chapter 3: Pick Your Project

Chapter 4: How to Make Your Goal Smart

Chapter 4: Assemble Your Success Pack

Chapter 4: Project Scoper

Chapter 5: Dump Your Chunks

Chapter 5: Project Pyramid Quarterly

Chapter 5: Weekly Block Scheduler

Chapter 5: Weekly Momentum Planner

Worksheet Examples for Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Leverage Your GATES

Chapter 6: Project Budget

Chapter 6: 12-Week Project Road Map

Chapter 7: No-Win Scenarios

Chapter 7: Derailers & Naysayers

Chapter 7: OPP Worksheet

Chapter 7: Project Premortem

Chapter 8: Monthly Momentum Planner

Chapter 8: Productivity Heat Map

Chapter 8: Weekly Block Scheduler

Chapter 8: Weekly Momentum Planner

Chapter 8: Check-in/Check-out Worksheet (and 10/15 Split post)

Chapter 9: Creating Your Routines

Chapter 9: Interruptions & Distractions

Chapter 9: Win Journal

Chapter 10: After Action Review

Want to start a reading or mastermind group? Here’s our discussion guide and here’s our group facilitator’s kit.

Interested in what’s been happening in the press related to Charlie and the book? Maybe you want to check out some articles Charlie has written related to Start Finishing for other publications? Visit the Press page.

If you’re new to the entire world of Charlie Gilkey, Productive Flourishing, and Better Team Habits, you can check out our About page to learn more.

If you loved Start Finishing and the Start Finishing Field Guide and want to get more people to start living their best life and doing their best work, here are three things you can do that will have a really significant impact:

  1. Leave a review on Amazon.
  2. Add it to your shelf on Goodreads and vote for it on this Goodreads list.
  3. Tell three friends about the book. The win-win-win here is that more people buy the book (my win), the book will likely grip them and help them do their best work (their win), and you’ll seed your success pack with three people (your win). The promo kit page has lots of stuff to help with this, and you may find the discussion guide from above to be useful, too.

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